
Services We Offer
Explore our comprehensive services including BCBA, LBS, RBT, Classroom ABA Therapists that will enhance a variety of learning environments
Explore our comprehensive services below to see how we can help.
Delivered by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) and/or Licensed Behavior Specialist (LBS) to provide supervision to paraprofessionals, personal care assistants, registered behavior technicians and/or teachers. Services to include, but are not limited to, Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plan development, educational program planning/monitoring/adjustment, data analysis, and attendance at IEP/team meetings. All programs will include systematic and organized program binders, timely implementation of goals and targets, probing and progression of lessons, collection of real-time data and analysis, and development and implementation of behavior intervention plans in accordance with best practices.
Works cooperatively with teachers, grade-level teams, and other problem identification bodies within the school to provide systematic problem-solving, create and implement empirically-validated class-wide behavior support structures, aid in the creation and implementation of data collection systems to identify students within a class who may benefit from a more intense level of support, and provide support and behavioral expertise to teachers and teams within the school. The BSC can be integrated into the school in order to proactively work with teachers to create a positive classroom climate that will greatly reduce the likelihood of interfering behavior cases emerging within the classroom. The BSC helps create educational programming specific to IEP goals, consistent with best practices in educating students on the autism spectrum. Specifically, intensive teaching trials (ITT), natural environment training (NET), and verbal behavior (VB). Support the creation of data collection tools to ensure progress is appropriately monitored.
- Masters degree in Education, Psychology (Behavior Analysis emphasis).
- Crisis Intervention training
- BCBA and/or LBS
- Experience training in applied behavior analysis, including effective teaching strategies, classroom management systems, data-based decision-making, and functional analysis/behavior intervention plans in an educational setting.
is a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) or is in the process of obtaining Crisis Intervention Training (Safety Care or CPI). The job of a Crisis Manager is done for the purpose of providing support and reinforce the goals, aims, and efforts of the school-wide behavior system for the instructional program with the specific responsibility of monitoring and responding to crisis and support calls and utilizing de-escalation techniques and approved physical restraints when appropriate while monitoring student behavior during non-classroom time and providing information to appropriate school personnel.
Essential Functions
- Attend team meetings for the purpose of obtaining and providing information and insight that will assist the daily interaction with specific children.
- Attends meetings and in-service presentations (e.g., first aid, CPR, emergency procedures, crisis prevention, etc.) for the purpose of acquiring and/or conveying information relative to job functions.
- Documents data under the supervision of an assigned teacher or supervisor to support progress monitoring of students.
- Implements, under the supervision of an assigned teacher, behavioral plans designed by the team for students with interfering behaviors or other special conditions for the purpose of presenting and/or reinforcing learning concepts.
- Maintains behavioral progress monitoring and/or manual and electronic files/records of each crisis intervention for the purpose of meeting mandated requirements.
- Monitors and responds to crisis and support calls using approved restraint and de-escalation techniques when required for the purpose of ensuring student safety.
- Monitors students during assigned periods within a variety of school environments (e.g., restrooms, playgrounds, hallways, bus loading zones, cafeteria, parking lots, field trips, assemblies, etc.) for the purpose of maintaining a safe and positive learning environment.
- Provides, under the supervision of an assigned teacher, practice/review of learned skills to students in a variety of individual and group activities (e.g., academic subjects, social skills, daily living skills, etc.) for the purpose of reinforcing instructional objectives; implementing team plans, and ensuring student success in school.
- Works directly with students (e.g., one to one, de-escalating, safety escort, etc.) for the purpose of ensuring student and staff safety.
The Registered Behavior Technician™ (RBT®) practices under the close, ongoing supervision of a BCBA. The RBT is primarily responsible for the direct implementation of behavior-analytic services. RBTs share the same role as ABAs; however, they carry the RBT credential, which is a nationally recognized professional credential that requires more extensive training. The RBT works one-on-one with the student, implementing the individualized goals designed and maintained by a BCBA and/or LBS in accordance with the hours specified in the IEP. Using the principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA), the therapist gathers quantifiable data necessary for the BCBA/LBS to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan in achieving goals and objectives.
works 1:1 with an assigned student under the direction of the classroom teacher or other on-site specialist (BCBA, LBS, special education teacher, etc).
Duties are, but not limited to:
- Implement relevant plans for assigned students (ex., Individualized Education Plan (IEP), Positive Behavior Support Plan (PBSP), Crisis Plan)
- Provide 1:1 instructional support based on the principles of Applied Behavioral Analysis (e.g., utilization of prompt hierarchy, natural environment teaching, incidental teaching, etc.)
- Implement student reinforcement system/protocols
- Help students prepare for and participate in activities, including management of instructional materials
- Monitor ongoing activities to ensure the safety and well-being of students at all times
- Assist in safe de-escalation of interfering student behaviors as needed
- Assist students in self-help/adaptive skills necessary for successful participation in the school day
- Assist in any data collection/recordkeeping necessary for student
- Assist in the completion and maintenance of applicable paperwork and documentation, as required by the school
- Maintain information pertaining to school in a confidential manner
performs duties of the Applied Behavior Analytic Therapist but with two or more students in the same classroom. The Classroom Applied Behavioral Analytic Therapist also assists the teacher in supervising students in helping plan and implement a curriculum and in creating an environment that responds to the needs of the students in the classroom.
Duties are, but not limited to:
- All duties listed under Applied Behavior Analytic Therapist (ABA), but
- Contribute to classroom daily and weekly planning and evaluation sessions and carry out planned activities for individual students, as well as groups.
- Help students develop self-help/adaptive skills by actively participating in all phases of classroom mealtime activities, toileting, and dressing activities.
- Assist in supervising students independently and assist with difficult students under the supervision of the teacher.
- Help students prepare for and participate in activities and clean up after activity.
- Assist students in participating in daily activities to gain independent skills that are aligned with the school’s standards.
- Assist in the maintenance of the classroom.
Works cooperatively with teachers, grade-level teams, and other problem identification bodies within the school to provide systematic problem-solving, create and implement empirically-validated class-wide behavior support structures, aid in the creation and implementation of data collection systems to identify students within a class who may benefit from a more intense level of support, and provide support and behavioral expertise to teachers and teams within the school. The ICSS can be integrated into the school in order to proactively work with teachers to create a positive classroom climate that will greatly reduce the likelihood of severe behavior cases emerging within the classroom. ICSS helps create educational programming specific to IEP goals, consistent with best practices in educating students on the autism spectrum. Specifically, intensive teaching trials (ITT), natural environment training (NET) and verbal behavior (VB). Support in creating data collection tools to assure progress is appropriately monitored.
Our highly trained and supervised Behavior Consultants complete a variety of functional analysis assessments. Our consultants will complete comprehensive evaluations to determine the function of challenging behaviors that are interfering with their learning and the learning of others. They also work collaboratively with the students team to develop an extensive representation of the student's behavior and their needs. Our consultants also create positive behavior support plans that are tailored to be implemented across the student's educational setting.
Our Behavior Consultants complete a variety of skills assessments to better understand their student's needs and to effectively program for them to make meaningful gains. We strive to meet our students where they are while systematically increasing expectations for them by regular progress monitoring. Our consultants can complete the following assessments:
- Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program
- The PEAK: Relational Training System
- Essentials for Living
- Toilet Training Readiness Assessment
- Assessment of Basic Language and Learning skills (ABLLS-R)